Mind-Body Connection Pilates uses a unique combination of Pilates and cutting-edge neurological principles to help you reach all your movement goals.

About The Studio
The MBC method is beneficial to improve daily function, improve posture, symptom management, challenge coordination, improve balance as well as exercises the mind inclusive of memory, attention and learning.
Marion is a Level 3 Neuro Studio teacher and can accommodate sessions for any neurological condition to improve your walking and to decrease your risk for falling.
“I feel I am in safe and experienced hands and making progress constantly. The studio is light and airy, very well equipped and a delight to visit.”
– JS –
MBC Pilates

Make an appointment.
The methods used are scientifically proven to be effective in addressing symptoms and issues related to Neurological Conditions such as:
- Parkinsons
- MS
- Stroke
- Inclusion Body Myositis
- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and more.


Upcoming Sessions
MBC Pilates the
Neuro Approach to Pilates
If you want to feel better.
If you want to move without pain or symptoms that cause you discomfort or are associated with Neurological Conditions, call MBC Pilates today. It’s your first step to moving better and to have strategies to help you in everyday life.